Books Set in California – Make the Most of Your Road Trip
Inside: Looking for some perfect-for-you books set in California? Read on to find diverse historical fiction, mysteries, memoirs, nonfiction, indigenous authors, audio picks, and more. This is the only list you’ll need to choose a perfect-for-you book for your California road trip. Updated February 2023
Who loves road trips? Who also loves reading? To me, nothing is more enjoyable than listening to a great audiobook set in the exact location I’m driving through. The best road trip books transport me straight into the virtual world created by the author.
Just imagine yourself lounging in the back of your van with the author’s created world right outside your window. This is what nomadic life is all about.
Bring depth to your travel
My van trips through California are so much better when I match them up with great books. The diversity of the Golden State’s residents and their unique experiences is brought to life in books. Pick the right book, and you’ll experience life through the eyes of the first indigenous peoples, gold-hungry conquistadors, zealous mission founders, trappers, gold-seeking 49ers, Chinese laborers and entrepreneurs, industrialists, farmers, families of the Great Migration, families escaping the Dust Bowl, refugees, and ordinary people like you and me. Getting to know the heroes and villains starring in these books helps me appreciate California’s riches.
Reading books set in California enhances your travel experience
Recently, for example, while exploring the Sierra Nevada Mountain range, I listened to historical fiction from the Gold Rush days. While I drove the mountain passes in comfort and luxury, the characters in my audiobooks lead pack mules on foot over the same steep rocky terrain. As I luxuriated in the comfort of my Glampervan, the characters in the books I listened to experienced every adverse element Mother Nature could conjure.
Those vivid descriptions made me appreciate the terrain I traveled (and also helped me appreciate my air conditioner).
Later, while hiking through pristine mountain streams in my brand spanking new water-resistant hiking boots, I had to stop and ponder the book characters I had recently come to know and love. Characters who, over 150 years ago, trod through similar mountain streams to stake and defend gold claims. I could imagine those men and women squatting for hours in these very streams with ice-cold water running through the holes of their worn-out boots.
My thoughts also roamed back before the Gold Rush, to the time of the majestic Mexican ranchos, and before even that, to the indigenous tribes that called what is now California home.
As I stood humbled beneath the giant sequoias, I rested my hands on trees so old they carried the memory of the earliest people to live under their boughs. Feeling the resilient bark protecting these trees, some for 1000s of years, made me reflect on how these life forms actually communicate with each other, nurture their offspring, and even care for their ailing kin – characteristics I learned about only by reading Peter Wohleben’s The Hidden Life of Trees.
Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey.
Ann Quindlan
How is this booklist unique?
- This is NOT a data dump of books set in California – those abound, and I, personally, don’t find them very helpful. This is a personally curated booklist that brings California to life.
- You could say I’m obsessed with reading. So I’ve read almost all of the books on this list. The few I haven’t read are all on my to-be-read list and are queued up for my next road trip. As I complete these books, I’ll update this article.
- California is a large state with marked regional differences. This list includes books set in Southern California all the way up to the northern border, from the coast to the mountains and into the vast desert regions.
- Readers have genre preferences, so I have organized books accordingly to help you find your favorites. Some days I feel like reading a long epic historical novel, while other times, I want a quick cozy mystery. This list makes it easy to find the perfect-for-you-right-now book.
- Fiction and nonfiction picks are included. The nonfiction picks are either books I found easy to listen to (they read like fiction), or they are references that have provided essential information about the areas I visit.
- It is important to me that what I read reflects the world around me in all its diversity. I actively seek out exceptional books from women, BIPOC, LGBTQ, and indigenous authors and those that bring to life underrepresented people and situations.
- Great audiobook picks are designated with an earphone logo.
How to use this booklist
You can find this and all my book lists at This is a fantastic way to support independent booksellers. Links to Amazon are also included. In cases where a book is no longer in print, I include Thriftreads links to help you find a used copy. Many of these books are also available through the Libby app and Audible books.
To make it easier for you to find California set books YOU want to read, jump to your favorite genre by clicking the links below.
Good luck finding the next great read for YOUR epic journey through the golden state.
And now…time to explore California books by genre
Historical Fiction set in California Gold Rush era
My notes: I loved this book. It gives the reader a view of the Gold Rush from a woman’s perspective, rarely captured in literature. Additionally, the experiences of non-Europeans were central to the plot, specifically those of the Chilean and Chinese immigrants. Allende’s prose is enthralling, as expected from this gifted writer. While many of her books contain magical realism elements, Daughters of Fortune does not (a plus from my perspective, as magical realism is not my favorite genre). I listened to the book while driving up to Sequoia National Park recently, and the Audible narration is great.
Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende, Margaret Sayers PedenBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Bound for Gold is a dual-timeline novel set in the present day and the Gold Rush. It is fast-paced and classifiable as a thriller, but I include it for its historical fiction value. While the novel is part of the Peter Fallon series, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t read any of the other books in the collection.
Bound for Gold: A Peter Fallon Novel of the California Gold Rush by William MartinBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This is one of the few books on the list I haven’t read yet. But it’s on my Kindle and ready to go. It’s first up for my next trip. I’ll update this post when I finish.
Sierra by Richard S. WheelerBuy on Amazon
My notes: JoAnn Levy is a noted California Historian and has written extensively on women during the Gold Rush era. I always gravitate to the story less told, so I have three of her books on my list. Only her non-fiction book remains in print, and I describe it under History, below. This book is only available through used booksellers., such as Same for the following book.
For California's Gold by JoAnn Levyon March 1, 2000
Buy on Amazon
Historical Fiction set in California – post Gold Rush-mid 1900s
My notes: John Jakes’ epic family saga covers California history post-Gold Rush into the early 1900s. It stretches from San Francisco down to San Diego, with a bit of Central valley thrown in. As well, the main character has his fingers in about every industry California is known for. Too much? Maybe. But Jake’s novel is engaging and certainly introduces its reader to a LOT of California that is not available in other historical fiction works. If you want to pick one book set in California to enhance a road trip throughout the state – this book would be a perfect choice.
California Gold by John JakesBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This novel is FANTASTIC! It was supposed to be published in 1939 but got eclipsed by The Grapes of Wrath. What was the publisher thinking? In my opinion, Babb’s novel is hands-down better than Steinbeck’s (and I think The Grapes of Wrath is also great). Only the second half of the book is set in California, where the migrant farmers’ experiences are masterfully recounted. The first half of the book describes the Dust Bowl so well that you literally feel the blowing dirt embedding in your pores. Save this book to revisit when you travel through Oklahoma and Kansas.
Whose Names Are Unknown by Sanora Babb, Lawrence R. RodgersBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This is the third of a series, and I read them all in order, but you can enjoy this novel as a stand-alone read. Golden Poppies is set during the early years of the Great Migration, a historical era not covered often by fiction. I enjoyed the storylines on the Pullman porters and the suffrage movement in California. This is one of the few books I found that is mainly set in Oakland.
Golden Poppies by Laila IbrahimBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This is one of the only books I’ve come across that tells the story of Chinese immigration through a woman’s eyes in the 1920s. It covers the west coast equivalent of Ellis Island – Angel Island in San Francisco Bay, as well as the anti-Chinese immigration laws in place at the time. The sordid world of child sex trafficking is also a prominent theme. There were some good plot twists included that make this an enticing recommendation.
Paper Wife by Laila IbrahimBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I’m not including Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath in this list because, well, you’ve probably already read it. However, you may not have picked up Cannery Row, and it is a fantastic book to get a sense of Monterey and the region’s fishing industry. It is classic Steinbeck in style and tone.
Cannery Row by John Steinbeck, Susan ShillinglawBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This book is another favorite of mine by John Steinbeck. It characterizes the region around Salinas in the fertile farming region of the San Joaquin Valley. If you are driving through Salinas, you MUST stop for an hour or two at the National Steinbeck Center and check out the exhibits.
East of Eden by John Steinbeck, David WyattBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Do the 1970s actually qualify as historical fiction now? Yikes, I think they do, which makes me feel very old. Anyhoo, this novel won both a National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize. It is also a dual timeline story that bounces between the 1970s the main character inhabits and the 1800s of the protagonist’s grandmother. I never grew attached to the grandmother (she seemed snooty), but I did like the other characters. The book is chock full of western history, particularly about mining, and in that way, it fleshes out many of the books set during the peak of the Gold Rush.
Angle of Repose by Wallace StegnerBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
Set in Northern California around Watsonville, up to San Francisco, and over to Sacramento, along stagecoach routes.
My notes: The Whip is one of the more compelling human stories on this list, in my opinion. Charlie Parkhurst was born a woman, but once they moved west, lived the rest of their lives as a man. But not just any man – as one of the most renowned stagecoach drivers in California. Their female biology was discovered only after death. No one knows if Charley was transgender or masquerading, but for sure, they were accepted and perceived as a man. I think I would have framed the story differently and could have done without the romantic subplot, but otherwise, I loved this book for tackling a story that needed to be told.
The Whip by Karen KondazianBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I’m waiting to listen to this book, set in a 1970s commune in Northern California until I get back to explore more up there. I classified this book as historical fiction because of its 1970s setting – but it seriously pains me to do so. I was a teenager then — yikes.
Clover Blue by Eldonna EdwardsBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: OK – yet another “historical fiction” book from the 70s. As many of my not-that-old-yet readers remember, this era saw a large influx of Vietnamese refugees, and they transformed the cities they landed in. LA was one such city. I always appreciate learning about immigrant experiences – that is US history, right? Cue this book up during a day trip to LA, and get some good takeout from one of the city’s many Vietnamese restaurants.
The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh NguyenBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
Contemporary Fiction
My notes: Urrea is one of the most prominent San Diego authors and his books frequently straddle San Diego and Mexico. This is one of his more recent novels and it is a fantastic account of a multi-generation Mexican American family.
The House of Broken Angels by Luis Alberto UrreaBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I read this book many years ago, and the story has stayed embedded in my soul. Read this when cruising through Los Angeles or exploring the Topanga Canyon area (maybe on your way to the Getty Museum). The story juxtaposes a wealthy LA family against an illegal couple living in the nearby canyons. This book IS Southern California in many ways.
The Tortilla Curtain by T. Coraghessan BoyleBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Oh my heart, this book series is one of the most memorable I have ever read. Maybe it also belongs in historical fiction, but I am tired of feeling old, so let’s call it contemporary. What is particularly remarkable about this series is that the first volumes portray San Francisco in the 70s and 80s in all their crazy glory without a retrospective filter. They were written contemporaneously with HIV hitting the city, one of the worst-hit regions early in that pandemic. So this is social history “live.” I laugh and cry so much when I read and reread this series. It DESERVES a spot in the top 100 of The Great American Read (#74). Hands down.
Tales of the City (Tales of the City, #1) by Armistead MaupinBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: You aren’t going to find too many great books set in Oceanside (in San Diego County), but this is one. Brit Bennett has become one of my favorite contemporary authors. Her new book, The Vanishing Half, is as good or better than this debut novel. The Vanishing Half is set, in part, in LA.
The Mothers by Brit BennettBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I had this book in my “to-read” pile for a few years and finally picked it up during a recent van trip to Joshua Tree National Park. I drove through and looked around 24 Palms (when it was 113 degrees outside) and can say the book captured the ambiance of that community well. Definitely add this book to your desert reading list.
Wonder Valley: A Novel by Ivy PochodaBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This is one book on the list that is set throughout the west, including California, particularly the Oakland area. But it is so good I encourage you to read it (along with some of the non-fiction books below). I am grappling with my understanding of Native American history and am starting to realize this will take the rest of my lifetime. The introduction and intermission sections of this book stopped me in my tracks. If you only listen to those sections – do it. I enjoyed the Audible version, but I also have a hard copy because I loved some of the writing so much. There are a LOT of characters, though, so Audible can take some effort to follow.
There There by Tommy OrangeBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: What is not to love about an old lady living in a van with her cat and inviting a runaway teen to join her? This Catherin Ryan Hyde novel is another winner, set all along the Pacific Coast. Many, if not most, of Hyde’s books are set in California, so check out her other options too. I have never NOT loved one of her books.
Allie and Bea by Catherine Ryan HydeBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This Pulitzer Prize winner is one of my favorite books of all time. You may wonder why it is showing up in a California-oriented book list. Trees. California is home to both the giant sequoias and the coastal redwoods and some of the most diverse forests left on Earth. To understand California, you need to understand trees. Pop down to the Nature section to read more about The Hidden Life of Trees, another book that will get you “feeling” the trees.
The Overstory by Richard PowersBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo surprised me. It delves into old Hollywood and is part historical fiction, part family saga, and part mystery. It was a fun book with original, interesting characters and some twists and turns that kept me interested. This is a fun audiobook and easy to follow (in case you are a person who has to keep hitting rewind). Perfect for your LA/Hollywood explorations.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins ReidBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
Check out the bonus section at the end of mysteries for even more cozies and detective series. I have NOT read these series yet and have no specific comments, but I sure enjoy a light mystery when it’s set in a location I’m traveling to. If you do, too, here is your list. All the series I list are well-rated (>3.5 stars) on Goodreads, if that helps.
My notes: I’ve read about half of this series and love the Long Beach vibe and local sights.
A King of Infinite Space (Long Beach Homicide, #1) by Tyler DiltsBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I just finished this first Ron Ketchum mystery, and I’ll be back for more. The mystery matched up nicely with my recent trip to Sequoia National Forest. It was perfect, except a subplot with a human-eating mountain lion made my neck hairs stand up during deep forest hikes. I never saw a mountain lion while there, but you know you never see them; they see you.
Nailed (Ron Ketchum Mystery, #1) by Joseph FlynnBuy on Amazon, Buy on Bookshop
My notes: There are 35 books in this series, with more to come – and I have read every single one. I’ve grown to love the characters and need to keep up with their adventures. This series gives you an excellent feel for Hollywood Hills, West LA, and the entire area around UCLA. Plus, they are well-plotted mysteries.
When the Bough Breaks (Alex Delaware, #1) by Jonathan KellermanBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Sue Grafton got all the way through “Y” is for Yesterday before she passed away. So no “Z”. She will be missed, but fortunately we have 25 letters of the alphabet she did finish. Read these when you are sunbathing in Santa Barbara, the city her fictional town is based on.
A is for Alibi (Kinsey Millhone, #1) by Sue GraftonBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: A nice little cozy set in the Sierra foothills. Just a little note on my rating system – I rate relative to what I expect for a specific genre, so cozy mysteries have a lower bar than contemporary fiction, for example.
Used for Murder: A Used Bookstore Mystery by Heidi M BuckBuy on Amazon, Buy on Bookshop
Bonus — High-rated California-set mystery series by region
Science Fiction & Dystopian
My notes: This is the first of 2 volumes in a classic and exquisite dystopian/sci-fi saga. A must-read for fans of the genre. Fun to read if you are driving from LA, North. Imagine walking in the characters’ footsteps on your own post-apocalyptic journey.
Parable of the Sower (Earthseed, #1) by Octavia E. ButlerBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Time travel fans, pick this one. Part set in LA, part in the South somewhere, this is time travel at its best.
Kindred by Octavia E. ButlerBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
Short Stories & Essays
My notes: I’ve read some of this collection (it is vast), and I keep this book in my van to be at hand when I head back to the desert. It is THE collection of short stories and essays for desert reading. Unfortunately, there is no audiobook or ebook version that I could find. If you find a paper copy, nab it while you can.
No Place for a Puritan: The Literature of Californias Deserts by Ruth NolanBuy on Amazon, Buy on Bookshop
My notes: If you are traveling through California and wish to educate yourself about the diversity of indigenous peoples, this is the one volume you should read. The nine included stories are curated and discussed by one of the most respected and respectful regional anthropologists, Theodora Kroeber. By reading these stories, one can get a good perspective of the wide range of cultures inhabiting virtually every inch of California’s lands before the European/American invasions.
The Inland Whale: Nine Stories Retold from California Indian Legends, With a New Foreword by Karl Kroeber by Theodora Kroeber, Karl KroeberBuy on Amazon, Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Hyped as THE writer to really “get” California, I think it may be closer to THE book that New Yorkers like to read to say they “get” California. That said, I did find the writing exceptional and some of the stories interesting. But PLEASE don’t make this the only book set in California that you read.
Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan DidionBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
Indigenous Peoples
I was shocked when I first saw a map similar to the one above delineating all the pre-contact Indian tribes in California. So many. I knew so little about these vibrant communities, coexisting for generations until first the Spaniards, then the US migrants literally wiped them out like a tsunami. My van is now stocked with books that are helping me learn more about California’s first inhabitants. The books below are those I consider essential to this study. Some I have, others I am waiting to receive from my library, but I am committed to reading and learning more.
My notes: Some of the most popular spots for California tourists are the string of 21 Spanish missions along the Old Camino Real, starting in San Diego and ending in Sonoma. One of the most famous is the San Juan Capistrano Mission of sparrow fame. I’ve toured several, and they are beautiful, peaceful respites today. What many people don’t know about, however, is the impact these missions had on the indigenous people they enslaved. I’ve been waiting for this highly acclaimed book for a while now – on hold from my library – and am eager to read it.
A Cross of Thorns: The Enslavement of California's Indians by the Spanish Missions by Elias CastilloBuy on Amazon, Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This relatively short book can be read like a collection of essays, so it’s suitable for travel. The reader will get a strong understanding of the diversity of cultures that make up the many California tribes inhabiting deserts, mountains, foothills, and coastal regions.
The Way We Lived: California Indian Stories, Songs, and Reminiscences by Malcolm MargolinBuy on Amazon, Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This book was very hard to read, I will not lie. But it is essential to understanding California’s history.
An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873 by Benjamin MadleyBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Similar to The Way We Lived, described above, this book is also comprised of a collection of short essays, stories, poems, etc., that help explain the diversity of California’s native people. Because many are now extinct or close to extinct, it is an essential validation of their very existence.
Flutes of Fire: Essays on California Indian Languages by Leanne HintonBuy on Amazon, Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This is the nonfiction work of JoAnn Levy that compliments her two fictional works described above. It is comprised of real diary entries written by women as they traveled to the gold fields of California.
They Saw the Elephant: Women in the California Gold Rush by JoAnn LevyBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I picked this book up from my library, but I may listen to the audio version on my next trip. As a person afraid of heights and not too keen on long tunnels, I know I am in awe of the men who risked their lives to build the transcontinental railroad through the Sierras.
Ghosts of Gold Mountain: The Epic Story of the Chinese Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad by Gordon H. ChangBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Less than 1/3 of this book pertains to California, but because The Great Migration of black citizens from the south to points north and west is a critical part of our history, I include it here. I found the descriptions of the drive west particularly interesting and as compelling as the Okie migration during the Dust Bowl. The settlement of Los Angeles’ and Oakland’s black communities are covered in detail.
The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel WilkersonBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I enjoyed listening to these essays while driving through the high desert. Written by an early woman settler and naturalist, the essays bring the stark, seemingly lifeless desert to life.
The Land of Little Rain by Mary Hunter AustinBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I mentioned this book way up above when I discussed The Overstory. As I read The Hidden Life, my appreciation for trees and forests grew as large as the Grinch’s transformed heart. I kept pausing and saying to myself, “Wow, this is remarkable.” Be aware — this book could literally transform you into a tree hugger. Welcome to California!
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World by Peter Wohlleben, Tim Flannery, Jane Billinghurst, Suzanne SimardBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
True Crime
My notes: I do like true crime, but I will be honest – I don’t read it when traveling alone in the wilderness. I’ve never been frightened camping by myself, but if I read this book while cuddled up alone in my van, it could be a completely different story. So maybe save this book for after you return from your travels. It is a great true crime story.
I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara, Gillian Flynn, Patton OswaltPages: 368
Buy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I read this book back when it came out. Seriously. I was probably 14 years old and I think I bought it through the Scholastic Book program at school (do NOT ask me why this was a selection for middle school kids, but it was the early 70s). I STILL remember reading this book pretty much in one sitting – I read all night long. And I was terrified. This was a horrific crime, so read this book if you can handle it. It is a landmark moment in California history.
Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders by Vincent Bugliosi, Curt GentryBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
Memoir & Biography
Just a note on how I picked books for this section. In addition to telling a life story, the book had to conjure a sense of place that, in my opinion, leaves the reader with a deeper understanding of California. In other words, by reading the memoir or biography, you will come away with a greater knowledge of the diversity and cultures represented in California.
My notes: Lucille Ball. What a woman. This book would be an excellent companion to The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo described above. While the early sections of the book are set on the East Coast, the last half is all Hollywood and Palm Springs. Not only do you get a sense of The Industry, as Californians refer to it, but you also get a sense of one of the most amazing, humble, and accomplished businesswomen the US has seen. The Audible book is narrated by her daughter Lucy Arnez. This is a great listen if you are heading to Hollywood. Take in the Lucy exhibit at The Hollywood Museum (but check to see if it is open first).
Love, Lucy by Lucille BallBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: After learning about old comedy, check out one of the newest LA-based comedians, Tiffany Haddish. I included this book because Tiffany’s life story tells us about the modern comedy club scene in LA (and you may want to go to a show) and about what it’s like to be a kid raised in foster care. I was not expecting too much from this book, but it ended up being one of my favorite memoirs ever. Tiffany reads the Audible version, so if you listen, be prepared to laugh out loud at times (and cry at others).
The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany HaddishBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: This is one of the most inspirational books I’ve read. Mrs. Burton has to be one of California’s most vital, and determined women. When you listen to or read this book, you will get to know more about LA, most likely areas you won’t visit. Books like this help visitors understand the city they visit – beyond the tourist installations.
Becoming Ms. Burton: From Prison to Recovery to Leading the Fight for Incarcerated Women by Susan Burton, Cari Lynn, Michelle AlexanderBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Palo Alto is one of the wealthiest enclaves in the US. But even there, bad things happen. Chanel’s memoir could also fit under true crime. Overall, her book is all about finding courage when you don’t think you have it. And some days, we do need to dig deep for that courage.
Know My Name by Chanel MillerBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: No list of California-based memoirs is complete without The Wild. I’ll never through-hike The Pacific Crest Trail, the ship has sailed, but I recently completed a day hike within site of it – and I was impressed.
Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl StrayedBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: Gregory Boyle and the nonprofit he founded, Homeboy Industries, is “…in the business of second chances.” You will be changed by reading this book. You will, I promise. Perhaps, while traveling through LA, you will manage a visit to The Homegirl Cafe or one of their other businesses.
Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion by Gregory BoyleBuy on Amazon, Buy on Bookshop
My notes: You may not stop in Merced, it may only be a city you wave at as you drive up the central valley (I do recommend taking Highway 99 over Interstate 5 if you want to experience more of this region). But this list is about providing books to help you get a feel for all of California and its citizens. Merced is home to one of the largest Hmong communities in the world. If you are interested in refugees, medicine, anthropology, or any aspect of humanity, I think you will be fascinated by this book.
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures by Anne FadimanBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: I read about Ishi back in the 1970s when I was in high school. The link here is to the 50th-anniversary edition. My curiosity for learning about our nation’s indigenous peoples was sparked when I read this book. I still can’t completely wrap my head around what Ishi must have experienced, knowing he was the last of his people. If you are driving in the northeast corner of the state, stop and reflect on all that was lost in the few short years when most of California’s native population was obliterated.
Ishi in Two Worlds: A Biography of the Last Wild Indian in North America by Theodora KroeberBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
My notes: First, one of the best drives in California is along Highway 395, which runs south to north along the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. If you drive this highway, you MUST stop at Manzanar National Historic Site. Visit the interactive museum and book store for sure, but also tour the camp and the recreated buildings and exhibits. Over 10,000 Japanese American citizens and resident Japanese men, women, and children were held here during WWII.. I stop every time I drive by, and there is always something new to see. {COVID update – the museum and inside exhibits are closed, but there is still much to see- check the website for opening updates} This book tells the story of the Wakatsuki family through the eyes of 7-year-old Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston. This is a classic.
Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, James D. HoustonBuy on Amazon, Buy on Audible., Buy on Bookshop
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If you made it all the way to this point, I expect you both love to travel and read – just like me. I’ll continue to publish reading lists as I move around North America. I’ve been reading and collecting lists of my favorite books from each and every US state and Canadian province for years. Eventually, there will be a book list for each of them. To make sure you never miss out on one, subscribe to my email list – I promise I use it only to update you on blog happenings.
Thanks for a great list! I spent a lazy last hour and a cup of tea sifting through it all, then headed over to my library and borrowed some!! I trust that YOU know books….
Let me know what you read – I finally got They Saw the Elephant and am loving it. I had no idea so many women were gold rush miners!
Loved this idea, Sandra. Thanks for sharing and adding even more books to my to read list.. Harrumph!
I read Tortilla Curtain twice and loved it but was it enlightening and so sad. Alison
Yes, I can relate to the TBR list that just keeps growing. Sigh. Thanks for the positive feedback on this post, I am thrilled you enjoyed it.
This is such a fantastic list, Sandra! I’ve read a number of books you recommended and loved them (e.g., There There, Know My Name — neither very uplifting, but powerful in any case!). A bunch of others are on my to-read list, and thanks to your recommendations I’ve added a few more. I’d love to set out on another road trip one of these days. These would be perfect audio companions.
Thank you for compiling such an interesting list. If I read a portion of these I would have a greater understanding of my home state of California.